Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Today I had chocolate Strawberries and they were really good, although I also had a lot of chocolate just by itself and I know that I shouldn't have because now I feel like I just got rid of my streak, I've only ate healthy things or nothing at all for the past 3 days.  I want to purge but I know that I can't. On top of that the scale at my house doesn't have any batteries so now I can't see whether I'm making progress or not. I'm so screwed 

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

To Mia:

You were there for a while making me feel good, but than you started to turn against me, although Ana hurts too its a different kind of hurt, it's success and well, you Mia; you are not success, you have hurt and have caused me problems.  So I'm sorry to say that we can no longer be friends, although I may visit you once in a blue moon my new friend is Ana... Sorry Mia